It has been a while since I wrote up here. Slacker status right here. First off, thank you thank you thank you to all the people who have donated to my ride already for August! I appreciate it more than you know. I will be sending formal thank you’s as well! A lot has happened since the last time I wrote! Most importantly, though, I have inherited a beautiful little mut named Marley. From what I’ve been told she is 5 months old (so we’re still mastering the whole peeing outside thing) and the possibilities for the breed are pikanese sp? and/or shitzu. What do you think she is?
This was right after her bath...she looks less than thrilled she's all wet.

Marley is a dog that was unfortunately left behind when some neighbor’s of a friend moved away. So sad they would just leave her, but so glad she is now under better care. This is such a learning experience. I have never had a dog in my life so I am very thankful for the kind people of petsmart who taught me the ins and outs of taking care of her. The second day I had her I took her to the vet and thank goodness I did because she was throwing up constantly and had diarrhea (sorry for the visual) like crazy. They gave her a shot for nausea and some doggy andibiotics and advised me to give her a bland diet for a while. After about a day and a half she seemed to be doing much better than before. And now she is herself again. She loves going on walks and always greets me at the door after getting off a long shift at work. I cannot be in a bad mood when I get home even if my night is awful....flashback to Saturday morning: my night WAS awful. I didn’t end up getting done at work until 845 if that gives you any idea of how everything went. It was less than awesome. But then I came home to her beyond excited to see my face and I couldn’t help but let the stress of the night go. I’ll be posting more pics of her soon. She is my pride and joy basically..
Other than her, basically the same old stuff. Right now I’m enjoying this weather out at levis commons with marley. She has gotten more than a few compliments on how adorable she is.I went to wildwood metropark earlier for a run as well. I was going to do my long ride today, but my other tire needs fixed and did not want to deal with it earlier. I need to make sure I pump up my tires before every ride, because I think that’s why I popped this other one. Booo. I’ll learn my lesson (the hard way) again. It was a blessing in disguise, though, because wildwood is the highlight of my day right now. The one thing about Toledo is they have an awesome trail system. And I’m going to be taking full advantage of it all summer long. I am loving Toledo summer already!!! Cannot wait to enjoy the pool more, head down to another mud hens game, play some sand volleyball, enjoy el camino margaritas on the patio, and much much more!