Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's the final countdown!!!!!!!!!!!

3 more days till the big day! Pelotonia is so close I can taste it.  As I rode on jarvis this afternoon after getting him all tuned up I reflected on some things I am glad I did during training/wish I would have done differently.  I came up with quite a few.  As I sit comfy in the AC, however, I hope I can recall at least most of them...
Pats on the back (things I’m glad I did):
  1. Buying a nice roadbike.
I was extremely hesitant on forking out some money to pay for a legit bike, but I will say now that jarvis is the best purchase of this year.  Such a smooth ride, and the shop I bought it from is to this day so helpful with everything I have questions about.  And give really good deals: for instance, I got a free tune up today.  All I had to pay for was a flat tire (yes, another one).  And they are just so friendly.  Can’t go wrong with friendliness!! Learn from them people!!!  Jarvis is probably going to be around for a good while too, so I am even more happy about my purchase so I can go on many long rides with him.  BTW jarvis is my bike if you haven’t been following my blog closely.

       2. Actually committing to the 102 miles

Yes, this saturday is going to be hard, but I can’t help but look forward to after the race and see all I will have accomplished fundraising wise and biking wise.  What can I say? I’m proud of myself.

       3. Going along with the last one...committing to Pelotonia

This is a fundraiser first and foremost, not a race.  It is a RIDE to raise money for the James cancer hospital in Columbus.  This is the most money I’ve had to raise ever for any cause and we all know how hard it is to ask others for money.  It’s hard.  But that being said I am so SO incredibly grateful for everyone’s support whether that be money or encouragement.  A special thanks to all those who will be there at the ride this weekend! (shoutout to mom and dad, KC, and the family in cbus).  

          4. Blogging about this

Ok, I haven’t been that great about this last one, but it is the best I can do.  I wasn’t an English major, nor was I ever that spectacular at writing, but I am so glad I have some of my journey written down.  We’ll see if it lasts...
Slaps on the face (things I should have done differently):
  1. Not buying biking gloves/shorts earlier on.
The shorts for reasons of my backside not being in complete pain after a short 20 mile ride.  What was I thinking not getting them? Crazy. The gloves are a recent purchase.  I’ve been having problems with my fingers/hands going numb after riding for a while.  I was told (by the awesome bike store I love in sylvania called bike works) to try out some gloves.  I was also told this by suzanne a while back, and I just never got any and dealt with the numb feeling.  Well the gloves make a huge difference. So glad for that.  I want to be able to feel my hands after riding 102 miles

           2. Joining a group ride of some sort.  
In all seriousness, the rides that usually take place are 8am on Saturday or Sunday mornings.  If I wasn’t working a weekend the past few months I was usually away.  Or not about to switch my schedule to fit around a riding groups.  I should have tried a little harder, though, I’m sure I would have been able to figure it out one way or another.

           3. Coming up with more fundraising ideas
There are so many fun ideas on the blog for pelotonia that people have done.  If I ever do this again, I know that fundraising is going to be even harder and I would have to get on it with more creativity

          4. Not training with more hills

Reality check: Toledo is flatter than flat. I had a conversation with a resident about his hometown in Iowa.  He made the comment that Toledo is much flatter than Iowa. Really? Yes. Toledo is that flat. All I have to say is Holy Toledo Flattness to that one.  What am I getting at? It would have taken an all day event to go train with some serious hills regularly.  I was too lazy to do that alone. No excuse, because the part of the ride I’m worried about Saturday is miles 50 to 65 which are the hilliest.  My stomach is churning just thinking about the hills!  AHH!

         5. Eating/drinking like I was training

I think cutting back on the booze would have helped a bit. I don’t regret it, I had a fun summer with the booze included...I should have evened it out with less grease/more water.  Yep, that would have cancelled out the booze.
These are the only ones I can remember.  I’m sure there were more.  Flipping memory is not as sharp as I had thought! 
On another note, I start school next week, orientation this morning got me that much more excited.  There’s something to look forward to after this ride is over!

                                                 KC was tired after work/before going out to eat. Marley wanted attention.
Really no reason for this picture. It's just adorable.

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