Friday, May 27, 2011

All parts of the job

Worked the past 2 nights. Up at 12:30 today after sleeping for 3 hours....let’s hope I can hold out for the fun night planned filled with a mud hens game and out downtown somewhere. Oh, and let’s hope the sky doesn’t blow up on us either like the past few days/nights.  Lots of tornado warnings/watches. Hello midwest. Either way I am just glad that there were no touch downs with tornados around here. I still cannot believe the damage done in Missouri.  It’s really hard to watch the news with all of the images from there.  It seems like mother nature has really hit us hard this year with the awful storms that have been happening.  I can only pray that she gives us a break from all of this and that we all stay as safe as we possibly can.  The one thing that they do make me want to do is get on some sort of disaster relief effort at some point in my life.  I’ll definitely have to look into that.  Anyone know anything about doing that? Let me know!
Another topic I need to bring up: confused patients.  I have had one the past 2 nights and it has been more than a lot for everyone.  I can remember when babcai (my grandma) seemed to talk in circles, ask a lot of the same questions and how hard it was to continue to see her like that.  I cannot even imagine how this family can see their family member continue to wake up, not know what she is doing in the hospital, start crying about not knowing what is going on, and then realize she is confused and get upset about it again.  And continue to answer the same questions over and over again when it is just a continual circle to get you back to where you started.  After two nights it was just exhausting.  No matter how hard I or anyone tries we cannot fix her dementia, but seeing her be tearful over again I just wish that it could go away.  I cannot imagine being confused and realizing I am confused.  It is one thing being confused and just being pleasantly happy with everything and not really knowing, but this is just awful to see her so upset at herself for being confused.  I guess it is all part of the job, but there are points that it just breaks my heart beyond belief.  
Just to let you all know I sent out the letter to everyone about supporting me in the Pelotonia.  I will post another one below if you did not receive one and would like to contribute to the cause.  Every little bit helps!
Hope you all have a wonderful memorial day weekend...enjoy some wonderful weather.  I just got back from a 6 mile run and it made my day that much brighter. Hope you can all do something of the same sorts!
Family and Friends:
August 20th of this year I will be biking 100 miles in the fight to end cancer: Pelotonia.  Pelotonia is a bike tour that raises money for life-saving cancer research at The Ohio State University’s James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute.  Pelotonia directs 100% of every dollar raised to research and putting an end to cancer.   
I have a goal to raise a minimum of $1800 for the innovative research that takes place at The James.  
I am currently a nurse at The University of Toledo Medical center on the hematology/oncology focused floor and feel compelled to help out in any way I can towards the battle to end cancer.  We nurses use this research every single day taking care of patients and I pray that Pelotonia will continue to support the work that we do for others in their time of need. I am writing to ask for your financial and prayer support of my goal.  No donation or prayer is too big or too small, every little bit helps!  If you would like to contribute visit and search my name under riders.  You can make a donation there under my profile. 
Please visit my blog at so you can ride along with me on my journey!!  I will be posting pictures and updates as much as possible.
Thank you so much in advance for your support in this event and your generous donation to the James Cancer Hospital.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me or email me at 724-689-5399 or  

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